What is the Lucky Cat?

Lucky Cat is a gamified on-chain draw in which your transactions become tickets for a chance to win big. Simple, exciting & generous.

Web3 excels in generating buzz and driving actions but struggles with declining engagement post-campaigns. Lucky Cat addresses this with a gamified approach, using blockchain transactions as NFT tickets for a chance to win Linea Voyage NFTs.

To participate in Lucky Cat Draw, you simply mint the eligible transactions on your wallet as NFT tickets. You have 10 eligible transactions? Go ahead and mint all 10 eligible transactions as NFT tickets.

What are the rewards for Lucky Cat Draw?

Lucky Cat Draw offers the participants a chance to win Linea Voyage NFTs.

One participant will win Linea Voyage Beta Edition.

When will you announce the winners of Lucky Cat Draw?

The winners of Lucky Cat Draw will be announced on (TBD).

What is an eligible transaction?

An eligible transaction is any kind of transaction you've done during the Linea Park. If you've done any transaction on Linea network during the Linea Park, you can see your eligible transactions on Lucky Cat page within Timeless X.

Transactions before Linea Park do not qualify as eligible transactions for Lucky Cat Draw.

Lucky Cat Winners

The Lucky Cat drawing was successfully completed on April 10, 2024. To select the winners, we employed the following methods:

  1. Merkle Tree: To minimize the gas fees associated with on-chain transactions, the bulk of the computations were conducted off-chain. We then submitted only the Merkle Tree root and the necessary proofs on-chain. [Onchain Proof]

  2. Verifiable Delay Function (VDF): We used a Verifiable Delay Function to generate random numbers directly on the blockchain. This method ensures that the random numbers are generated in a transparent and tamper-proof manner. [Onchain Proof]

The submission of Merkle roots, generation of random numbers, and verification of winners are all recorded on the blockchain, as detailed by this transaction hash. To verify the list of the winners, click the 'Logs' tab in this transaction link.

Winner Addresses 🏆

Last updated