Delete all the data

It's highly recommended that you proceed with this action only if you have created your wallet through one of the following options: a. Creating Timeless X smart account via 'Metamask' button x. You will use the same method when you want to recover your wallet. b. 'Create Wallet > Keyless Wallet' using 'Continue with Apple' or 'Continue with Google' x. You will use the same method and same email address when you want to recover your wallet. c. 'Create Wallet > EOA Wallet' x. You will use 'Import Wallet' option to recover your wallet d. 'Import Wallet' using 'Seed Phrase', 'Private Key' or 'Restore from iCloud' x. You will use the same method when you want to recover your wallet.

If you have created your wallet through one of the options above, you can proceed to delete all data on Timeless X by following the instructions below.

  1. Open Timeless X, then tap on the small profile icon at the top right corner

  2. Tap 'Settings' at the bottom left corner

  1. Swipe down to the bottom of the page and tap 'Delete All Data' button.

Last updated