Changing & Adding RPC

RPCs (Remote Procedure Call) have a key role in web3, enabling dApps to interact with blockchains through process facilitation and data exchange. An RPC is a protocol allowing programs to execute specific procedures across different blockchain networks. It serves as a bridge for communication between a client program and a server program on separate blockchains.

Crypto RPC nodes operate on a client-server model, with dApps as clients requesting operations or information, and RPC nodes as servers executing these requests or fetching data from the blockchain.

RPC nodes enhance the blockchain ecosystem's efficiency, responsiveness, and communication by streamlining requests, facilitating transactions and smart contracts, offering a developer interface for data queries, and optimizing transaction speed and reliability. Here are some use cases for RPCs:

  • dApps: They enable data access and smart contract engagement, ensuring smooth dApp-blockchain communication.

  • Custom Blockchain Solutions: Developers use RPC nodes for customized blockchain interactions.

  • NFT Marketplaces: They facilitate NFT management and integration via smart contract interactions.

Wallets RPC nodes allow wallet apps like Timeless X to interact with the blockchains. Wallets can perform transactions, retrieve transaction history or exchange information across different chains thanks to RPCs.

Change & Add RPC

In Timeless X, the RPC is set to auto-select for transactions. To change or add a custom RPC, follow these steps:

Last updated